I watched a great Super Bowl game with a bunch of friends. After the game, the television remained on and The Voice came on! What a concept! Great chairs!!
Watching it reminded me of a story. It was November of 2003, and I went to the House of Blues to photograph a guy named Gavin DeGraw. I set up some lights near a bar to wait for Gavin to finish his sound check. There were five scroungy looking guys sitting around. I asked them if they were a band playing that day. They replied that they were a California band called Maroon 5. Since I was sitting around doing nothing, I asked them if they wanted to do a photo shoot.
Of course they said yes. This was 2003 and bands had not yet been taught to fear photographers. I don’t know what happened to Gavin DeGraw (I think he is still hanging around making music), but Maroon 5 got VERY famous. Seeing Adam Levine on The Voice reminded me that sometime the nice guys win!!